Clinical guidance
RSV Vaccine Q&A
Published January 1, 2022
Clinical guidance
Published January 1, 2022
It’s recommended that adults 60 years and older with certain risk factors get an RSV shot.
Getting the RSV vaccine is the best way to lower your risk of getting sick with RSV (respiratory syncytial virus).
Most people get mild, cold-like RSV symptoms but older adults (and infants) are more likely to get severe RSV and need care at a hospital. Each year in the U.S., up to 160,000 older adults are hospitalized with RSV and up to 10,000 die from it.
There are two types of RSV vaccines for adults 60 and older. Both are considered safe and effective. The RSV vaccine is usually a single shot in the arm.
Get the RSV vaccine as soon as it’s available in your community before RSV cases start to rise, which is usually in the fall and winter.
The RSV vaccine is widely available (you don’t even need a prescription or provider’s order). Your best bet is to get it at a pharmacy near you.
Some people have side effects, like a sore arm where the shot was given, feeling tired, feeling achy, and a headache. Any side effects are usually mild and don't last long, especially when compared to symptoms of RSV.