Clinical guidance

ADHD Medication Guidelines

Published January 1, 2022

Your Firefly Health team wants to prescribe a medication called a stimulant to help manage your ADHD symptoms. Stimulants are controlled substances, meaning we have to follow special rules for them and keep a close eye on how they’re used. So before you start taking them, please read and agree to these guidelines.

Following Firefly Health guidelines

I agree to follow the Firefly Health ADHD medication guidelines.
I understand that these rules are an important part of my ADHD treatment — and I must stick closely to them to continue receiving care from Firefly Health.

Taking my medications

I agree to take my medications exactly as directed by my Firefly Health team.
I understand how much medicine to take and how often to take it. I can’t use more than this without first talking to my Firefly Health team.

I agree to use other ADHD treatments that my Firefly Health team recommends.
I understand that stimulants are just one tool to manage ADHD. If my Firefly Health team asks me to try others, I agree to use them, including:

  • Psychological testing (tools to measure behaviors, emotions, and thoughts)
  • Counseling (talk therapy)
  • Behavioral modification (learning to change harmful behaviors)
  • School-based interventions (tools and strategies to help at school)
  • Job modifications (tools and strategies to help at work)

I agree to go to all appointments and treatments that my Firefly Health team requests.
I understand this is an essential part of my ongoing care.

I agree to get cardiac (heart) tests that my Firefly Health team requests.
I understand that stimulants may be harmful to people with heart problems. When asked by my Firefly Health team, I will send blood pressure results and get any other tests as needed.

I agree to check in with my pharmacist or Firefly Health team before starting new medications and supplements.
I understand that using stimulants along with some other medications can be harmful. This includes prescription and over-the-counter medications, as well as herbal products and other supplements.

I agree to tell my Firefly Health team if I misuse alcohol or use illegal drugs.
I understand that using stimulants with alcohol or illegal drugs can be harmful.

I agree to get random drug testing when my Firefly Health team requests it.
I understand that these tests are for my own safety.

Refilling my medications

I agree to take only ADHD medications that my Firefly Health team prescribes.
I understand that I can’t go to any providers outside of Firefly Health for ADHD medications.

I agree to request my refill at least 1 business day before I need it.
I understand that:

  • I qualify for refills every 28 days, no sooner
  • It may take 1 business day to complete my refill and my Firefly Health team will message me when it’s ready
  • I can get refills only on business days — not weekends, holidays, after hours, or by an on-call provider
  • My Firefly Health team does not have to replace any medication shortfall for any reason

Keeping others safe

I agree to not sell or share my medication with anyone, including family members.
I understand that while stimulants can improve ADHD symptoms, they can be harmful to others.

I agree to tell my Firefly Health team if I am pregnant or plan to get pregnant.
I understand that taking stimulants during pregnancy — or while breastfeeding — may not be safe for my baby. And that my Firefly Health team can help me safely work my way off stimulants. 

Giving my consent

I understand that if I don't follow the Firefly Health ADHD medication guidelines, my Firefly Health team may stop prescribing stimulants or change my treatment plan. I have read and understand these guidelines, and all my questions have been clearly answered.

I consent (give my OK) to using stimulants as detailed in these guidelines to help control my ADHD.